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What Are Healthy Habits in Recovery?

After getting better, addicts quickly come to the realization that sobriety requires maintenance, and that while the worst of their journey may be over, there is work that still lies ahead if they want to preserve this new way of living.

Addiction is a mental health disorder, it demands healthy life habits, by building good habits in recovery, addicts will be able to maintain a substance-free lifestyle effortlessly.

Maintaining a Program of Recovery

Recovery programs are the companion that stays with addicts long after they leave detox. Attending 12-step meetings regularly is one of the best ways that addicts can ensure life-long sobriety.

These programs offer addicts the opportunity to be constantly reminded of what addiction was like versus what it’s like now. 12-Step programs also provide addicts with excellent maintenance tools such as a series of maintenance steps that help addicts avoid behaviors and emotions that could trigger a comeback. 

Healthy Eating Habits

Foods affect our moods, and no I’m not referring to being hangry! The quality of our diet can influence the way we feel and be an influential factor in recovery. 

Maintaining healthy eating habits is key to supporting good mental health, physical health, feeling good about ourselves, and looking fantastic!

Eating too much sugar and junk food will do you no good. If you or a loved one is in recovery, then you will want to:

  • Stay well-hydrated
  • Eat whole and unprocessed foods
  • Consume brain foods such as walnuts and berries

Exercise Daily

I know you saw this one coming! You can’t talk about good habits in recovery without mentioning a good exercise regime. Not only does exercise help nourish your mind and body, but it also does wonders for your mood by releasing endorphins that will make you feel better. 

Don’t worry, runner’s highs are totally allowed!

Get Plenty of Sleep 

Recovering addicts will need some rest after all that feel-good exercise! A minimum of seven to eight hours a day should do the trick. 

In recovery, addicts are only one choice away from a slip, which is why making good decisions is crucial to maintaining sobriety.  Good sleeping habits in recovery ensure that addicts are always well-rested and able to think clearly, making smart and healthy choices. A lack of sleep can also make the recovering addict snappy, angry, or tired, all of which can be dangerous emotions that could trigger a relapse.

Avoid Loneliness

Connection is the enemy of addiction, the importance of maintaining healthy relationships with family and friends in recovery can’t be overstated. If you are in recovery and feel lonely, pick up the phone or go to a meeting. Loneliness is one of the dangers of HALT (Hungry, angry, lonely, tired), avoid these at all reasonable costs!

Meditation and Gratitude

Meditation and practicing gratitude daily are probably the two best tools that recovering addicts have available for their mental health.

Meditation has been around for thousands of years and its positive effects on the mind have been recorded in both anecdotal and scientific ways. It works, it just does, and dedicating a few minutes every day to practice mindfulness can reset and regenerate your mind and body.

Practicing gratitude doesn’t fall too far off this tree, a great practice that will nourish your mind is to write down what you are grateful for at the beginning and end of every day, that constant reminder of the best things in life is certain to get you started on the right foot every single time!

Building Healthy Habits in Recovery

Developing a strong foundation at the start of recovery is key in ensuring that patients have the right set of tools to accompany them during their life-long journey. Addicts will want to build good habits in recovery to stay sober for the rest of their lives.

The best way to ensure a great foundation in recovery is to be mentored by a team with the right experience.

At 90210 Recovery, we offer experienced and professional expertise along with addiction treatments that ensure you or your loved ones get the care needed to stay sober, long after leaving our facility.

Contact 90210 Recovery to learn more about what you can do to help your loved one stay sober.


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