How to Quit Using Heroin

Heroin is an extremely addictive opioid drug and unfortunately, the rise in the number of people using heroin has steadily increased over the past few years. There are a number of consequences; both socially and medically as a result of a heroin addiction. The good news is, if you or someone you care about is […]

How Bad is The Opioid Epidemic Really

Experts have deemed the opioid epidemic to be the deadliest drug crisis in American history. Opioid overdoses will cause more American deaths than gun violence and auto accidents combined. In 2019 alone heroin overdoses, specifically, killed at least 27,000 people in the USA. Addiction is destroying lives in every state and knows no prejudice. How […]

Benefits of Dialectic Behavioral Therapy

Addiction treatment takes many forms. DBT, or dialectic behavioral therapy, is just one way you can start to address your addiction and take the first tentative steps on your road to recovery. As a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy, DBT is now being used to treat several types of mental disorders. It has also been found […]

A Guide to Your First 30 Days in Sobriety

Getting sober is one of the hardest and best things you can do. As addicts and alcoholics, our substance of choice has consumed every aspect of our lives for as long as we can remember. When we stop using, the immediate impact it has on our everyday life can be shocking. You suddenly find yourself […]